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[Blinkist] Career Confidence: No-BS Stories and Strategies for Finding Your Power (by Robynn Storey) (2024)

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Build your success through hard work and by embracing your identity

Have you ever wondered how the fabric of your early life weaves into your future successes? How lessons from someone else’s life can inspire and guide your own? To gain some understanding of that, let’s explore businesswoman Robynn Storey’s experiences, and how they’ve shaped her into the person she is today.

Storey’s journey began with the influential figure of her grandfather, a modest bookie who juggled multiple jobs to make ends meet. Despite the humble stakes of his betting, his work ethic was monumental. From him, Storey learned the art of hustling – recognizing opportunities and working tirelessly to capitalize on them. Her Saturdays were spent accompanying her grandfather as he collected money from his bets, an experience that introduced her to the thrill of risk from a young age. He showed her that every little chance could be turned into something bigger, a lesson that stayed with her throughout her life.

As Storey grew up, she too became a gambler, not just in card games but in life. She embraced risks, learning to bet on herself and others, understanding that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but you always learn. Her adventurous spirit was further amplified when she married, taking the last name Storey, which serendipitously aligned with her future enterprise, Storeyline Resumes. This twist of fate wasn’t just about a name but a nod to how personal stories can deeply influence professional paths.

Starting her résumé-writing business wasn’t easy. It began on the front porch after the kids were tucked into bed, with cigarettes for her, beers for her husband, and shared dreams for them both. Despite financial tightness, Storey juggled multiple jobs and slowly transitioned to full-time résumé writing. From working as a small-town waitress to becoming an entrepreneur, her journey was fraught with challenges that tested her resolve but ultimately led to a business generating millions.

Storey’s experiences offer us three valuable lessons:

First, never hesitate to bet on yourself. Like Storey, embracing risks and believing in your potential can lead to unexpected and rewarding paths. Life, much like gambling, involves high stakes. Trusting your own decisions can be your greatest asset.

Second, value and honor your identity. Storey’s alignment of her name with her business isn’t just a quirky twist of fate but a powerful reminder that your unique background and story are assets. They differentiate you from other people and can guide you to your niche in the world. By embracing who you are and where you come from, you can carve out a space that not only fits but enhances your personal and professional life.

Lastly, hard work is irreplaceable. Storey’s success came not just from her clever business idea but from her commitment to pushing through difficult times. Her willingness to work multiple jobs, to start from the ground up, and to persist despite challenges, underscores that there are no true shortcuts to success. It’s crafted from effort, resilience, and a commitment to your goals.

Through Storey’s narrative, you can see how these principles might apply to your own life. Embrace risk, honor your unique story, and never shy away from hard work. These aren’t just pathways to success; they’re invitations to a more authentic and rewarding life. 

Casual encounters can lead to life-changing opportunities

How often do you consider the unexpected places where life-changing opportunities might arise? John’s story illustrates this perfectly.

When John was a young man, freshly graduated from college and without a clear direction for his future, he had his student loans to pay and a desire to move out of his parents’ house. So he took a job at a well-known department store, starting in the stock room. There, he spent his days unloading and organizing clothing, learning a thing or two about fashion along the way. His routine was consistent: show up, work hard, and remain upbeat.

One day, everything changed when a corporate officer visited the store. She noticed that John was well-dressed and personable. They struck up a conversation. During their chat, she learned of John’s interest in advancing within the company and introduced him to the idea of becoming a buyer – an opportunity John jumped at, despite not knowing exactly what the job would entail.

Promoted to junior buyer, John dove into the world of fashion buying. He quickly learned the ropes of identifying trends and selecting merchandise, displaying a natural knack for the business. Over the next few years, John’s talent and dedication saw him rise to oversee the men’s buying department for over 500 stores.

Years later, an impromptu conversation with a stranger at a New York City bar during Fashion Week offered John an unexpected career shift. The stranger, a prominent fashion designer, handed John his business card. This chance meeting propelled John into nearly a decade of success with two famous designers. Eventually, he sought out global opportunities, ready to expand his horizons further.

John’s story beautifully illustrates why you should always be open to forming new contacts in everyday interactions, such as those in bars or other casual settings. These moments can lead to transformative opportunities, reinforcing the message that you should constantly be alert for potential connections that could unexpectedly enrich your professional life.

If loyalty is what you’re after, get a dog

In the 1970s and 1980s, it was common for people to spend their entire careers with a single employer. This stability came with many benefits: reliable pensions, regular salary increases, and ample vacation time. Employees were deeply invested in their workplaces and companies reciprocated by supporting them through both professional and personal challenges. This mutual commitment was a source of pride and community. Company culture extended beyond the workplace, including annual family picnics and holiday celebrations, fostering a strong sense of belonging.

As time has progressed, the global workforce has become more dynamic. Advances in technology and a shift in societal norms have encouraged people to explore opportunities away from their hometowns. With these changes, the once common lifetime commitment to a single company has become rare.

The erosion of this deep-seated loyalty is starkly illustrated by the experience of an employee who was with her company for 27 years. She started with the company right from its inception, first as a salesperson, then growing into the role of Chief Operating Officer as she built a successful sales team. Despite her dedication and significant contributions to the company’s growth, when economic pressures mounted, the company chose to demote her as a cost-saving measure, slashing her salary by half – despite nearly three decades of loyalty and hard work.

In another example, the personal cost of blurred work-life boundaries can be clearly seen through the experience of a senior account executive at a well-known tech company. After working continuously without a single day off for over two years, she finally took a vacation to Disney World with her family. Her excitement and relief were short-lived. On the very first day, her boss called her needing information for a client meeting. As the vacation continued, her boss’s intrusions escalated – sending numerous emails, expecting her to join conference calls, and sending early morning texts to discuss work. This constant connectivity spoiled her long-awaited family time and left her anxious about her job security during what should have been a relaxing break. Upon her return, frustrated and disillusioned, she resigned. This decision came after realizing the toll her job took on her personal life and happiness.

To avoid such scenarios, setting clear boundaries is essential: work the hours you’re supposed to, give your best during those hours, and then disconnect completely. Turn off company devices and set out-of-office responses to fully enjoy your personal time. Failing to do so can set a precedent that might obligate you to always be available, undermining your personal time and well-being.

Prioritizing your personal well-being and setting firm boundaries with your employer are essential to achieving work-life balance. In a world where work can follow you everywhere through digital means, it’s essential to protect your personal time and space. As Robynn Storey says, if loyalty and unwavering support are what you seek, get a dog. It would be a more reliable source than today’s corporate environment.

Overcome imposter syndrome and embrace your worth

Have you ever felt like you didn’t truly deserve your success, maybe thinking it was just luck or good timing rather than your skills and hard work? This mindset is known as imposter syndrome. It’s a psychological state where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence that proves their competence.

Imposter syndrome isn’t rare; in fact, it’s incredibly common and can affect anyone, from young professionals to seasoned executives. For example, a marketing assistant at a renowned advertising agency in Chicago felt like just a helper, even though she was instrumental in orchestrating successful events. This perception held her back until she reframed her achievements, highlighting her leadership and innovation. With a renewed perspective on her capabilities, she advanced to a marketing manager position.

Another example is an IT manager in a school district who, for years, performed the duties of a Chief Technology Officer without acknowledging it. He significantly upgraded the district’s technology with minimal resources but didn’t recognize his value until his responsibilities were laid out on his résumé under a new title: CTO candidate. Recognizing his true role allowed him to confidently pursue and secure a CTO position.

If you experience similar doubts, consider taking steps to combat them. Acknowledge your feelings, discuss them with someone you trust, list your accomplishments, and actively seek positive feedback. Remember to be kind to yourself and celebrate your successes, big and small. Embracing your achievements can profoundly affect your career and self-perception. Never shy away from recognizing your true value, both in terms of your skills and your worth in the job market. Understanding your value, comparing it to industry standards, and knowing when to seek opportunities that reflect your true worth can lead to fair compensation and greater professional fulfillment.

Strategies to secure your next big opportunity

In 2023, a seismic shift occurred in the job market, leaving countless individuals unemployed due to layoffs across various sectors like tech, banking, and consulting. Giant corporations such as Meta, Disney, and Amazon implemented massive staff reductions, creating a highly competitive environment for job seekers. The once-promising scenario of job abundance flipped overnight, plunging many into uncertainty.

So how do you manage this sudden transition if it’s impacted you? Well, you’ll need resilience and persistence. You’re faced with the challenge of standing out among the masses of talented professionals vying for limited positions. This means honing your networking skills, crafting a standout résumé, and maintaining a positive outlook despite the daunting odds. The days of easily securing employment have given way to a more arduous process, requiring determination and adaptability.

Amid this turbulence, confidence has emerged as an important negotiation skill. You probably know individuals who effortlessly command attention in any room they enter. You need to be like them. Confidence isn’t just about your personal demeanor; it’s a powerful tool.

Consider the story of a seasoned marketing executive who, after 22 years with the same company, found herself at a crossroads. Despite her extensive experience and accomplishments, she felt undervalued and underappreciated. Determined to seek new opportunities, she applied for a chief marketing officer position elsewhere. The prospect of a higher salary and a chance to leverage her skills in a new environment was exciting but, as she delved into the job search process, she encountered numerous challenges. Endless rounds of interviews and demands for extensive presentations left her feeling frustrated and drained. But one day, she had an epiphany. She realized that she possessed a wealth of experience and expertise deserving of recognition. With renewed confidence, she approached subsequent interviews with a different mindset. Instead of bending to the will of potential employers, she asserted her value and set clear expectations from the outset. This shift in perspective paid off handsomely. Within two months, she received several offers for CMO positions. Armed with confidence and a positive aura, she negotiated with ease, ultimately securing a substantial salary increase.

Moving on to the subject of cover letters, the age-old question persists: include or not include? The answer lies in the context. If a company mandates it, you must oblige. Otherwise, a succinct note accompanying your résumé suffices. The key is customization – tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company. Highlight experiences that directly align with the position’s requirements, and personalize your letter to demonstrate genuine interest and understanding of the company’s mission and culture.

Other practical advice for securing your next great opportunity includes persistence, adaptability, and maintaining a positive attitude. Job searches often take longer than expected, requiring a commitment to the process and a willingness to adapt your strategies as needed. Exude confidence in negotiations, avoid desperation in job acceptance, and seek transparency in your salary discussions.

Final Summary

In this Blink to Career Confidence by Robynn Storey, you’ve learned some meaningful career strategies that extend beyond your résumé. You’ve discovered the significance of embracing risk for career advancement, the importance of valuing your worth in the job market, and three invaluable lessons: bet on yourself, honor your unique identity, and embrace hard work.

You’ve also explored the potential for life-changing opportunities in unexpected places, the importance of setting boundaries to protect personal well-being, overcoming imposter syndrome to embrace your true worth, and strategies for securing your next big opportunity in today’s competitive job market.

By applying these insights, you can transform your career narrative, push beyond your limits, and embark on a journey to a more authentic and rewarding professional life. It’s time to take the first step towards your dream career.

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